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How To Hide my Online Status on WhatsApp

"How To Hide Whatsapp To Always In Offline Mode on Android, can whatsapp us so as not to get caught online even though we are actually opening whatsapp? The answer is of course CAN! The way that will note android given below is with the intent to hide the status of whatsapp us to not look online anymore."

How To Hide Whatsapp To Always In Offline Mode on Android, can whatsapp us so as not to get caught online even though we are actually opening whatsapp? The answer is of course CAN! The way that will note android given below is with the intent to hide the status of whatsapp us to not look online anymore.

WhatsApp Image by guidingtech.com

How To Hide my Online Status on WhatsApp

Hiding online notification status on whatsapp app is indispensable for some people out there, whatever its purpose and purpose of hiding online on whatsapp is useful when we do not want to be noticed online whatsapp by others or friends in our contacts whatsapp contact list.

Here is step by step to hide online status whatsapp android

  • First of all your android phone should be in rooted condition
  • Download the latest Lucky Patcher app
  • Open the Lucky Patcher app
  • Approve super su root permissions popup
  • Locate and select the Whatsapp app on the list of apps that appear
  • Select Open menu patches
  • Select another Custom Patch
  • Then select the writing hideprivacy_com.whatsapp
  • Then select apply to continue patching process
  • Then the patch process will run
  • Wait until the process is finished for a while

After the finish will appear red notification signs fail but do not worry because the actual patch process hide online whatsapp has succeeded, my friend can directly open whatsapp buddy and check with chat dab see online status whatsapp buddy buddy then the online status will not be seen.

Please note that by doing offline process whatsapp with lucky patcher this is my friend also can not see the online status of senua friend contact list whatsapp buddy. The bottom line is my friend is not seen online so my friend does not know if whatsapp friends are online.

Hopefully can be useful for my friend in need, so tips whatsapp how to hide online status in whatsapp android or offline mode whatsapp on android, if any questions please write in the comments, do not forget to share ya!
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