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How to activate lite mode (saving data) on Google Chrome Android

"By activating the Chrome Google Lite mode above, we can save on internet data packages as much as% when opening a website or blog. The way Google Chrome Lite mode works is quoted from the official chrome support page as follows: When you use Lightweight mode, some of your web traffic may be via Google servers before downloading it to your device."

How to make our internet data quota more durable or not run out one of them is by Activating Data Saving Mode in the Google Chrome Application.

Google's web browsing application is definitely on every Android device, Google Chrome is a must-have browser application on all Android-based devices.

Not in vain Google Chrome is on all Android devices, because this browser proved to be very neat to find us surfing in cyberspace.

Starting from opening social media websites, news, looking for interesting videos, even downloading various kinds of file content can be fully supported by Google Chrome.

But don't let us enjoy the fun of skating in the virtual world, so we forget to spend the internet data package quota.  wahh !!

But take it easy, Note: Droid presents Google Chrome Application tips

How to activate lite mode (saving data) on Google Chrome Android.

First open the Chrome browser application, friend

Then enter the Chrome settings menu (three point icon) in the upper right corner

Next go to the Settings menu

Scroll down then enter the Lite Mode menu

Activate switch ON to activate Lite mode

By activating the Chrome Google Lite mode above, we can save on internet data packages as much as% when opening a website or blog.

The way Google Chrome Lite mode works is quoted from the official chrome support page as follows:

When you use Lightweight mode, some of your web traffic may be via Google servers before downloading it to your device.

If the page loads slowly, Google servers can simplify it so that less data is downloaded to your device.

Most of the time, your page will look and function the same.

If you use Lite mode, keep in mind that:

If you browse in private, Lite mode will not work.

Some websites may have trouble finding your location.

You might not be able to use pages on a local network, such as the company's internal site.

You may experience problems with premium data services provided by your operator.  You may also not be able to log in to your mobile operator's website.

Even though it seems that there is not too much data quota being trimmed, this feature is worth trying and appreciating.  Oh then also pay attention to some of the provisions above so that the minimization of data usage is maximized.

Hopefully the tips on how to activate the lite feature on google chrome can help you and all of us to save more on data usage while browsing on Google Chrome.  Thank you and good luck!  Note Droid
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