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How to Unban Mobile Legends (ML) Account

"here is some tested way to unban a Mobile Legends account starting from permanent or temporary ban. check this out"

In the Mobile Legends game there is an account that gets banned, now this is the easy way to unban a Mobile Legends game account. As you know, Mobile Legends is one of the most popular online games, players may have experienced tire problems in Mobile Legends.

How to Unban Mobile Legends (ML) banned Account

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Experiencing this, surely everyone will panic and may immediately look for information on how to quickly unban a Mobile Legends account. Well coincidentally, you are in the right place.

The following we will provide a way to unban a Mobile Legends account starting from permanent or temporary ban. So, for information on how to solve it, please see the following.

How to Unban Mobile Legends Account (Permanent)

The first is if your Mobile Legends account is permanently banned, of course it will be very difficult to overcome this method, so please see the following method to solve it.

  1. First, you can contact Moonton Customer Service by using email: mobilelegendsgame@gmail.com
  2. Next, please fill in the email with the subject: Please Unban My Mobile Legends Account
  3. Next, please fill in the information regarding your account ID and ID zone, besides that, enter detailed information by way of screenshots and others.
  4. At the end of the email, please include your apologies regarding the problem of getting banned and also write that you will not do this again.
  5. You have to use English, yes, you can also use Google Translate.
  6. Next, please send the email and wait until you get a reply from Moonton.

Finally, it depends on Moonton whether your account is unbanned or not, if the violation is not too severe it may be returned, but if the violation is very detrimental to Moonton, the banned account will be difficult to return.

How to Unban Mobile Legends Account (Due to Script)

The bans themselves are quite varied, some are permanently banned, some are banned for using scripts. For this it is usually relatively light and can be quickly returned.

The warning itself is that you are banned for using a plugin, which to fix it yourself you have to do a recovery or it can be called reinstalling the data again.

So, to fix it, please do the following steps.

  1. First, please go to Settings, then go to Apps Management.
  2. Next, look for the Mobile Legends game, and go to Apps Info.
  3. Please delete Mobile Legends Game Data. When finished, please download Mobile Legends original game and log back in.
  4. You will be able to enter the lobby view and re-download all the data.
  5. Done, the ban problem has been resolved.

The problem with using scripts is quite light, which is so that all scripts are deleted and you use the original version of Mobile Legends.

So that's it for how to unban a Mobile Legends account. Hopefully the above method can be useful and useful for those of you who need it. See you later!

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