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How to make the alarm cellphone not die on its own

"auto silence alarm android tips can save friends from waking up late, which resulted in late to the office, late to school, fired from the office, or even fired by in-laws. lol Hopefully this useful, tips to overcome the alarm that is not functioning properly or the alarm does not turn on the Xiaomi cellphone and others, make sure the alarm volume is maximum, and make sure the silent feature is automatically turned off! thanks."

How to make the alarm cellphone not die on its own, have you ever woke up late because the alarm did not turn on? why doesn't the alarm on the cellphone sound? or actually the sound alarm but at a certain time it dies and doesn't sound anymore?

Cara Mengatasi Alarm Tidak Berbunyi atau Mati Sendiri

This is what befalls many friends, not even the admin itself, which sometimes oversleeps because the alarm doesn't sound.

Please note that the alarm does not mean it does not work, the alarm Android switch off at its default settings every 10 minutes, the alarm will not sound again, aka the alarm is off!

Then what if as long as the alarm turns on for 10 minutes we have not yet awakened from the dream of the beautiful sleep? just calm down, let's see how the alarm never dies even though the snooze continues.

How to make the alarm not turn itself off

  • First enter the Clock or Alarm application on your android phone
  • Here i exemplifies Xiaomi devices

  • At the clock / alarm display select the menu button (triple point) then select Settings
  • Then scroll down and enter the Auto silence menu.

  • Select off or turn it off, so that the alarm does not turn itself off

Simply by turning off the auto silence alarm feature, the alarm on your Xiaomi cellphone will not die itself even though it's snoozed many times, unless you turn off the alarm when the alarm turns on!


How easy is your friend right? yes, although trivial, auto silence alarm android tips can save friends from waking up late, which resulted in late to the office, late to school, fired from the office, or even fired by in-laws. lol

Hopefully this useful, tips to overcome the alarm that is not functioning properly or the alarm does not turn on the Xiaomi cellphone and others, make sure the alarm volume is maximum, and make sure the silent feature is automatically turned off! thanks.
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