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How to play solo vs duo squad pubg mobile

"we will be able to play alone against the duo or solo vs squad. playing solo vs. duo or solo vs squad on pubg mobile is very effective in training our playing skills. oia if you invite a friend of 1 person party can also be a duo vs squad, or if you invite a party of 2 people can also be a trio vs squad."

How to Play Solo VS Duo and Solo VS Squad on PUBG Mobile, as we know that PUBG Mobile games allow us to play in solo mode (alone), duo (1 team 2 people) and squad mode (1 team 4 people).

Cara Bermain Solo VS Duo dan Solo VS Squad di PUBG Mobile

Then how can we play solo against the duo, or solo against the squad? such as pro players and mobile pubg youtubers like Bang Alex who often play in solo vs squad mode.

Dont worry, there is a way that we can fight duo and squad teams even though we play solo or ourselves alone. Come see

How to play solo vs duo squad pubg mobile

  • First enter the mobile pubg account with your account
  • When in loby go to the game mode menu first

  • In the game mode settings window, please choose game mode, are you wants a third person perspective that looks like the person or the FPP mode (first person perspective) which is just a weapon / shot.

  • Then select the team mode as you normally would for a duo or squad
  • Finally, Uncheck the checklist box on the Auto Matching circled (see picture)

This auto matching feature is what if checked, the system will find another person for one team with us.

If the checklist is removed, the system will not find other people to play with one team, or we are left to play alone

Easy right? simply by removing the checklist on the auto matching box then we will be able to play alone against the duo or solo vs squad.

playing solo vs. duo or solo vs squad on pubg mobile is very effective in training our playing skills. oia if you invite a friend of 1 person party can also be a duo vs squad, or if you invite a party of 2 people can also be a trio vs squad.

Hopefully it is understandable and useful, just a short pubg tips on how to play solo against a duo or solo against a squad in the pubg mobile game. If there are questions and corrections please write in the comments column below, thank you and good luck! Note Droid
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